Privacy Policy

LAST UPDATED: October 16, 2023 


This Privacy Notice applies to all the products, services, websites, and apps offered by GRH Holdings, Inc. under the brand (collectively “”). The services include surveys from 


Data Subject: means a living human individual. 

Personal Data: means information relating to a Data Subject who is, or can be, reasonably identified from that information, either alone or in conjunction with other information. References in this Privacy Notice to data, personal information, or information, are all references to Personal Data. 

Results Client: means the business or person that has purchased a service that either directly creates surveys, forms, applications, or questionnaires or that can collaborate, comment, or review surveys, forms, applications, or questionnaires. 

Respondent: means the individual that receives a survey, form, application, or questionnaire powered by a service. 

Visitor: an individual who simply visits the website. 

Types of personal data that we collect and from where 

All Data Subjects 

Contact Information

You might provide us with your contact information (like name or email address), whether through use of our services, a form on our website, an interaction with our sales or customer support team, or a response to one of's own surveys or forms.

Usage Information

We collect usage information about you whenever you interact with our websites and services. This includes which webpages you visit, what you click on, when you perform those actions, what language preference you have, what you buy and so on.

Device and Browser Data. 

We collect information from the device and application you use to access our services. Device data mainly means your IP address, operating system version, device type, device ID/MAC address, system and performance information, and browser type. If you are on a mobile device, we also collect the UUID for that device. 

Information from Page Tags. 

We use first party and third-party cookies and tracking services that employ cookies and page tags (web beacons) to collect data about visitors to our websites. This data includes usage and user statistics. Emails sent by or by users through our services also include page tags that allow the sender to collect information about who opened those emails and clicked on links in them. 

Log Data

Like most websites today, our web servers keep log files that record data each time a device accesses those servers. The log files contain data about the nature of each access, including originating IP addresses, internet service providers, the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system versions, device type and timestamps.

Referral Information. 

If you arrive at a website from an external source (such as a link on another website or in an email), we record information about the source that referred you to us.

Information from Third Parties and Integration Partners. 

We collect your personal information from third parties where, for example, you give permission to those third parties to share your information with us, where such information is publicly available online or through your device/browser data. 

How we use the personal data we collect 


Contact Information 

We only use contact information to respond to an inquiry which you, as a Respondent, submit to us. 

Legitimate Interest 

We process your personal information in the following categories of data for legitimate interests pursued by us, which are described in detail in this Privacy Notice. We have undertaken to ensure that we place clear limitations on each of these uses so that your privacy is respected and only the information necessary to achieve these legitimate aims is used. Our primary goal is to improve upon and make sure our services and messaging are relevant for all our users, while also ensuring that the personal information of all users is respected and protected. 

Cookies (to include page tags). 

We collect information using cookies when you take a survey. These cookies are used to ensure that the full functionality of our survey service is operational, to ensure the survey operates appropriately and optimally. 

How you use our services. 

We use information about how you use our services to improve our services for you and all users. 

We collect information about the types of questions you answer. This data will be aggregated and deidentified so we can examine patterns in terms of respondent preferences when submitting responses (see further below in Information for Survey Respondent section). We collect and use all this data for our legitimate interests like helping us improve the experience for respondents (so that questions are easier to answer), for training purposes and to understand industry trends in and to help improve the completion rates on surveys/forms. We will also use usage information such as the type of survey, form, questionnaire, or application that you answered to personalize products we show you on completion of a survey when you are re-directed to our website and to make recommendations to our customers about usage of our services. 

Device and browser data. 

We use device data both to troubleshoot problems with our service and to make improvements to it. We also may infer your geographic location based on your IP address. 

We collect this to ensure that service experience works well across all possible devices and to infer geographic location to produce aggregated data around Respondent location trends. We also want to use this information to provide an additional data layer to Results Clients so that 

they can filter responses by e.g., inferred geographic location. Note however, that we do not collect precise GPS co-ordinate location. We just infer location from IP address. Finally, we will use this information to compare and look at trends in how our service operates and how you interact with surveys, on different browsers and devices. 

Log data

We use log data for many different business purposes including the following:

  • To monitor abuse and troubleshoot. 

  • To create new services, features, content or make recommendations. 

  • To track behavior at the aggregate/anonymous level to identify and understand trends in the various interactions with our services; and 

  • To fix bugs and troubleshoot product functionality. 

Your IP address is used to ensure that you do not complete the same survey, form, application or questionnaire twice if the Results Client has included settings to avoid this (ballot stuffing), for abuse monitoring purposes (so we can identify a Respondent who abused the survey taking experience in a manner contrary to our usage policies or to facilitate the Results Client in complying with their own legal obligations). We also collect log data to collate aggregated data and metrics on activity at a non-identifying level and so that we can identify trends in survey taking over time. 

Third parties and integrations. 

We will collect and use information from third parties and integration partners to facilitate Results Clients in sending surveys/forms/applications/questionnaires to you. 

Machine learning. 

We will use machine learning techniques on response data, metadata (as described above) and cookie data, to provide Results Clients with useful and relevant insights from the data they have collected using our services, to build features, improve our services, for fraud detection and to develop aggregated data products. You can read more about this in relation to the surveys below. 

To manage our services. 

We will also internally use your information and data, for the following limited purposes: To enforce our agreements where applicable 

To prevent potentially illegal activities; and 

To screen for and prevent undesirable or abusive activity. For example, we have automated systems that screen content for phishing activities, spam, and fraud. 

Aggregated use cases. 

In general survey responses are controlled and managed by the Results Client (the person who sent or deployed that survey). But may use data about Respondents in an aggregated, anonymous, or pseudonymous way. 

The data impacted by this section includes: 

Survey type, question type and responses (at an aggregated and anonymized/pseudonymized level only) 

Device data 

Log data will use automated processes and machine learning, to analyze survey responses, which in turn helps us to

Aggregate response data and activity: 

We will do this so that we can identify trends, build product features that optimize responses, make product recommendations, and provide guidance on which products and services work best in different scenarios. 

Extract and analyze usage patterns: 

By understanding Respondent interaction in different types of surveys we can: improve our services and ease of use: for example, we might identify when respondents prefer multiple choice versus open text questions and make predictive response suggestions when certain question types are selected. We might also use this data to help improve analysis of responses, undertake personalization for survey Results Clients and Respondents (for example by customizing the page on our website which a Respondent sees at the end of a survey. If a Respondent does not want to be included in this personalization, they can clear cookies in their browser after a session. 

Improve user experience (for example, by collecting and using device and browser information from Respondents to improve how our survey service operates on those devices and in those browsers) and identify insightful data trends (which never identify any individuals). 

Legal Obligation. 

To respond to legal requests or prevent fraud, we may need to disclose any information or data we hold about you. If we receive a subpoena or other legal request, we may need to inspect the data we hold to determine how to respond. 

How we share or disclose personal data 

We do not share your information or data with third parties outside except in the following limited circumstances: 

To help us provide certain aspects of our services we use our affiliates and trusted key partners – in particular, we engage third parties to: 

  • facilitate our collectors for sending surveys by email or text to Respondents. For email delivery, we use MailChimp and for text/SMS services we use Kenect. We share the relevant contact information for respondents (email address or phone number as applicable) with these third parties. 

  • facilitate customers in making payments. 

  • to detect fraud (including, for example, performing identity checks or verifying malicious IPs). 

  • deliver and help us track our marketing and advertising content. 

  • help us track website conversion success metrics. 

  • manage our sales and customer support services to you, including resolving any disputes. 

Data retention will retain anonymized data for use as described in this Privacy Notice. 

Personalized marketing and cookies 

We and our partners use cookies and similar technologies on our websites. If you are a customer of and separately use cookies or similar technologies in conjunction with any of our products and services, then you yourself will be responsible for complying with any laws related to the use of those technologies and this Privacy Notice is not applicable to that use by you. You can also choose to remove or disable cookies via your browser settings. 


Our services are not intended for and may not be used by Minors. “Minors” are individuals under the age of 16 (or under a higher age as provided in certain countries or territories). does not knowingly collect personal data from Minors or allow them to register. If it comes to our attention that we have collected personal data from a Minor, we may delete this information without notice. If you have reason to believe that this has occurred, please contact customer support. 

Data transfers 

Your information and data will be processed in and transferred or disclosed in the United States and countries in which our affiliates are located and in which our service providers are located or have servers. 

Your rights 

You may wish to exercise a right to obtain information about yourself or to correct, update or delete that information. Some of these rights may be subject to some exceptions or limitations in local law. Please note your rights and choices vary depending upon your location. We will take reasonable steps to verify your identity and we will respond to your request to exercise these rights within a reasonable time subject to the below for specific categories of person. 


Where you have responded to a survey, form, questionnaire, or application sent to you by a Results Client using a service, you will need to reach out directly to that individual or organization to discuss managing, deleting, accessing, restricting access to, or otherwise withdrawing consent for use of the information which you provided to them in your responses. does not control your response data and, accordingly, is not in a position to directly handle these requests in relation to that data. If you are having difficulties finding this Results Client or if you have any other questions after reading this Privacy Notice, you can contact us, and we will try our best to help you. 

Except as explicitly provided herein, please use the following contact information for privacy inquiries: 

Or contact us at: 

Changes to our privacy notice 

We can make changes to this Privacy Notice from time to time. We will post an updated version of this Privacy Notice that includes any changes. Please check our Privacy Notice frequently, or at least each time you use services.